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endless_sea_of_stars t1_jdexqz3 wrote

  1. This massively increases the utility of ChatGPT. You can have it order food. You can have it query your data without paying for fine-tuning.

  2. This smooths over some of the base models' shortcomings. It can now call Wolfram for computations. It can lookup facts instead of making them up.


Izzhov t1_jdhnapr wrote

> You can have it query your data without paying for fine-tuning.

Total noob here, so forgive me if this question is dumb or naive. I'm interested in pursuing collaborative fiction writing with AIs. Does what you're saying here imply that, in principle, I can sort of artificially increase ChatGPT's memory of whatever world I'm working with it to write about, by developing a plug-in which queries info about my story that I've written including character info, setting details, and previous chapters? If true, this would help the whole process immensely...


endless_sea_of_stars t1_jdhrar6 wrote

Sort of. The default retrieval plug-in is more of a database lookup. It converts a question into a word vector (via Ada api) and uses that to query a self hosted vector database. The base version is more for question/answer scenarios.

That being said, I'm sure that someone is already working on novel generator plug-in that would be more tailored to your use case.


Izzhov t1_jdhsabh wrote

Ahh, that makes sense. Thank you!


Puzzleheaded_Acadia1 t1_jdfiiqr wrote

Cool but pls explain what is Wolfram i see it alot but I don't know what it is


Steve____Stifler t1_jdfjo7z wrote

badass calculator and more

ChatGPT: Wolfram Alpha is a website that you can use to get answers to questions and do calculations on a wide range of topics, from science and math to history and finance. It's like having a really powerful calculator and encyclopedia that you can access anytime from your computer or mobile device.