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ThePogromist OP t1_jdvfv8r wrote

>Sorry I do not read or understand Russian.

Ну я то тебя понимаю, и даже указал тебе на английском, на возможность использовать что гугл переводчик, что DeepL.

Это не моя проблема что англоязычные лицемеры, ратующие за мультукультурность и равенство, натыкаются на непосильную задачу изучения жаргонов и мемов других культур.


sEi_ t1_jdvgn7b wrote

Ohh - With that attitude and a 5 days old reddit account (throw-away account comes to mind) and the offensive username you will for sure have a good time here.

Welcome to reddit


Avastor_Neretal t1_jdvmgow wrote

Your mental problems and inability of understanding concept of the other cultures memes and jargonism isn't my problem.

You've proven that you're not only unable to follow wiki links, but also can't use translator which is integrated into a damn browser.

And all of that for the purpose of... of what? To prove me that reddit is full of vocal minorities which are being "oppressed" even by their own reflection? Lol, like if it's not well known fact.
