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xt-89 t1_jbs8od5 wrote

Yeah you’ve definitely setup a good representation bias for modeling entire software architectures.

I had a thought a while back that GitHub Copilot is eventually going to offer a feature where they suggest improvements to entire software architectures… and then eventually just write whole projects from a text description alone. I think that the solution for that would be pretty similar to what you’ve done if scaled up and applied that way.

If your plan is to scale up the system for more advanced features, that would be awesome.

Another suggestion is that if you integrated your tool with GitHub, it would be pretty useful for enterprise software development. Most companies are pretty crappy at documentation. Even with good documentation, a chatbot is better than a static document.

Good job!


[deleted] t1_jbsafxc wrote

Thank you! Yes I thought the topic tree would be a great complement to the commit tree. Would be great for stale repos with little to no documentation.

Also the option to mix in multiple repositories and message pass between them to help with brain storming new features. Or message passing between your repo and its dependencies.