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EcstaticStruggle t1_jc1jts4 wrote

How do you combine hyper parameter optimization with early stopping in cross-validation for LightGBM?

Do you:

  1. Use the same validation set for hyperparameter performance estimation as well as early stopping evaluation (e.g., 80% training, 20% early stopping + validation set)
  2. Create a separate fold within cross-validation for early stopping evaluation. (e.g. 80%, 10%, 10% training, early stopping, validation set)
  3. Set aside a different dataset altogether (like a test set) which is constantly used for early stopping across different cross-validation folds for early stopping evaluation.

In the case of 1) and 2), how would you use early stopping once you identified optimal hyperparameters? Normally, you would re-fit on the entire dataset with the best hyperparameters, but this removes the early stopping data.


josejo9423 t1_jcpu2pe wrote

I would go with 1 but I would no tune early stopping just the number of estimators , xgbboost has the option of stopping iterations (early stopping) when there are no improvements in the metric, if you plot then what model believes and realizes that could have been stopped early , step up that number that you consider before overfitting


EcstaticStruggle t1_jcthdzz wrote

Thanks. This was something I tried earlier. I noticed that using the maximum number of estimators almost always lead to the highest cross validation score. I was worried there would be some overfitting as a result.