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rainnz t1_jce240r wrote

I have degree in CS but have not done anything with ML, AI, NN or CV.

I want to create simple program, that I intend to run on Nvidia Jetson Nano, that will process live HDMI video stream from a street video camera. If someone appears in the video feed, holding a sign with a specific sport's team symbol, like Arizona Cardinals - I want this to be detected right away and some action performed. Like sending an email.

Is it something I can do with OpenCV's object detection? If not - please let me know what would be the appropriate framework I'd need to use for this.

Thank you.


Odibbla t1_jcj24kc wrote

I did this when I was in Robomaster AI challenge. My solution is to use YOLOv3, which should be enough for the task you are asking for. The flow is: you mark the symbol by yourself, train YOLO step by step(all version should work actually, v3 is just my option). Take in video stream, YOLO will output the exact location of that sign in the frames. I did it on Jetson Nano and that is smooth. Since you got a degree, you shouuld be fully capable of doing this. Good luck!