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disastorm t1_jcwyjyv wrote

I noticed that "text-generation" models have variable output but alot of other models like chatbots and other models often give the exact same response for the same input prompt. Is there a reason for this, or perhaps is there a setting that would allow a chatbot for example to have variable responses, or is my understanding of this just wrong?


trnka t1_jcyped6 wrote

Some systems output the most probable token in each context, so those will be consistent given a prompt. Traditionally that could lead to very generic responses.

So it's common to add a bit of randomness into it. The simplest approach is to generate tokens according to their probability. There are many other variations on this to allow more control over how "creative" the generator can be.


disastorm t1_jd66swu wrote

I see thanks, is that basically the equivallent of having "top_k" = 1?

Can you explain what these mean. From what I understand top_k means it considers the top K number of possible words at each step.

I can't exactly understand what top_p means, can they be use together?


trnka t1_jd82eo1 wrote

If you're using some API, it's probably best to look at the API docs.

If I had to guess, I'd say that top_k is about the beam width in beam search. And top_p is dynamically adjusting the beam width to cover the amount of the probability distribution you specify.

top_k=1 is probably what we'd call a greedy search. It's going left to right and picking the most probable token. The sequence of tokens selected in this way might not be the most probable sequence though.

Again, check the API docs to be sure.

All that said, these are just settings for discovering the most probable sequence in a computationally efficient way. It's still deterministic and still attempting to find the most probable sequence. What I was describing in the previous response was adding some randomness so that it's not deterministic.


disastorm t1_jd92s7i wrote

Thanks I found some articles talking about these variables.