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f_max t1_jbze2pl wrote

Speaking as someone working on scaling beyond gpt3 sizes, I think if there was proof of existence of human level ai at 100T parameters, then people would put down the money today to do it. It’s roughly $10m to train a 100B model. With rough scaling of cost with param size, it’s $10B to train this hypothetical 100T param ai. That’s the cost of buying a large tech startup. But a human level ai is probably worth more than all of big tech combined. The main thing stopping people is no one knows if the scaling curves will bend and we’ll hit a plateau in improvement with scale, so no one has the guts to put the money down.


-Rizhiy- t1_jbzfsqt wrote

> human level ai is probably worth more than all of big tech combined

What makes you say that? Where is the economic reasoning? For the vast majority of jobs human labour costs ~$10/hour, a 100T model will most likely cost much more to run. There is a lot of uncertainty with whether the current LLMs can be profitable.

I would say that actually the main reason stopping training of even larger LLMs, is that the economic model is not figured out yet.