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Disastrous_Elk_6375 t1_jc5odze wrote

So I tried some prompts I found in a git repository, I think for a 7B model this is pretty good:

P: I want you to act as a title generator for written pieces. I will provide you with the topic and key words of an article, and you will generate five attention-grabbing titles. Please keep the title concise and under 20 words, and ensure that the meaning is maintained. Replies will utilize the language type of the topic. My first topic is "LearnData, a knowledge base built on VuePress, in which I integrated all of my notes and articles, making it easy for me to use and share."


  1. Exploring LearnData: A Comprehensive Guide
  2. Grow Your Knowledge with LearnData
  3. Leverage LearnData for Easy Reference
  4. Share Your Wisdom with LearnData
  5. Harness the Power of LearnData

P: I want you to act as a commentariat. I will provide you with news related stories or topics and you will write an opinion piece that provides insightful commentary on the topic at hand. You should use your own experiences, thoughtfully explain why something is important, back up claims with facts, and discuss potential solutions for any problems presented in the story. My first request is "I want to write an opinion piece about campaign reform."

A: Campaign reform is an important issue that needs to be addressed if we want to ensure that our political system is working effectively. The current system of campaign finance has created a situation where money has become the main driver of elections, allowing the wealthy and well-connected to buy influence and essentially dictate the outcomes of races. This is clearly a problem, as it leads to politicians who are more concerned with pleasing the donor class than the people they are supposed to represent. We need a system that encourages candidates to run for office not out of ambition or greed, but out of a desire to serve their communities and make a difference.

To address this problem, we need to implement campaign finance reforms that limit the amount of money individuals and corporations can contribute to candidates and PACs. We should also put in place rules that require transparency and make sure that those contributing the most money are held accountable. Additionally, we should create public financing systems that empower candidates to run viable campaigns without having to rely so heavily on private money.

In conclusion, it is clear that campaign finance reform is necessary if we want to ensure that our political system is working in the best interests of the people. We need to take steps to reduce the influence of money on elections and put in place systems that empower candidates to run campaigns that are truly representative of their communities.

P: I want you act as a language detector. I will type a sentence in any language and you will answer me in which language the sentence I wrote is in you. Do not write any explanations or other words, just reply with the language name. My first sentence is "Kiel vi fartas? Kiel iras via tago?"

A: The sentence is in Lithuanian.

P: Generate digital startup ideas based on the wish of the people. For example, when I say "I wish there's a big large mall in my small town", you generate a business plan for the digital startup complete with idea name, a short one liner, target user persona, user's pain points to solve, main value propositions, sales & marketing channels, revenue stream sources, cost structures, key activities, key resources, key partners, idea validation steps, estimated 1st year cost of operation, and potential business challenges to look for. Write the result in a markdown table.

A: Name: Big Mall in Small Town

One liner: A big mall in your small town

Target User Persona: Residents of Small Town

User's Pain Points to Solve: Lack of access to variety of products

Main Value Propositions: Convenience and Variety

Sales & Marketing Channels: Online and Offline

Revenue Stream Sources: Advertisement, Merchandise sales, Rental Fees

Cost Structures: Variable Cost (Advertisement, Rental Fees) and Fixed Cost (Utilities, Salaries)

Key Activities: Setting up shop, Merchandise procurement and management, Customer Service, Marketing

Key Resources: Computers, Network, Employees

Key Partners: Wholesalers, Vendors, Suppliers

Idea Validation Steps:

  • Research the market for demand of such a venture
  • Research the cost and feasibility of setting up such a venture
  • Research the target customer base
  • Develop a detailed plan and budget
  • Perform a SWOT analysis
  • Perform a competitive analysis
  • Estimated 1st Year Cost of Operation:
  • Computers, Network, Employees: $10,000
  • Advert

Disastrous_Elk_6375 t1_jc5og2r wrote


P: Act as a tech writer. You will act as a creative and engaging technical writer and create guides on how to do different stuff on specific software. I will provide you with basic steps of an app functionality and you will come up with an engaging article on how to do those basic steps. You can ask for screenshots, just add (screenshot) to where you think there should be one and I will add those later. These are the first basic steps of the app functionality: "1.Click on the download button depending on your platform 2.Install the file. 3.Double click to open the app"

A: Welcome to the world of [APP NAME]! This tutorial will show you how to get started with the app.

First, click on the download button depending on your platform. Install the file and then double click to open the app. The app will start up and you will see a main screen. From here you can start exploring the app's features.

To get started, you can click on the "Settings" icon to customize the app's settings. You can also click on the "Help" icon to view the app's user manual.

If you are looking for something specific, you can use the search icon to quickly search through the app's features. You can also click on the different categories listed on the main screen to browse different features.

Once you are done exploring the app, you can click on the "Save" icon to save any changes you have made.

That's it! You have now familiarized yourself with the basics of [APP NAME]. If you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out. Have fun!

P: I want you to act as a journalist. You will report on breaking news, write feature stories and opinion pieces, develop research techniques for verifying information and uncovering sources, adhere to journalistic ethics, and deliver accurate reporting using your own distinct style. My first suggestion request is "I need help writing an article about air pollution in major cities around the world."

A: Cities around the world are dealing with a major air pollution crisis. In some places, air quality is so poor that it is threatening the health of citizens and damaging the environment. According to a 2018 report published by the World Health Organization, more than 90% of people in the world live in cities and towns where air quality fails to meet the organization's guidelines. The report further stated that air pollution is the leading environmental cause of premature death worldwide.

In some countries, such as China, India, and Mexico, air pollution has become so severe that it is beginning to affect the economy. Businesses are feeling the pinch due to employees being unable to work, school closures, and reduced tourism.

In order to combat air pollution, governments have implemented various measures such as banning the burning of fossil fuels, imposing regulations on industrial activities, and promoting electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. However, these efforts have had limited success in reversing the trend of rising pollution levels.

In conclusion, air pollution is a major problem in many cities around the world and it is having a major impact on the health and economy of those affected. Governments have responded with various measures, but further action is needed to reduce air pollution to safe levels.

P: I want you to act as a social media manager. You will be responsible for developing and executing campaigns across all relevant platforms, engage with the audience by responding to questions and comments, monitor conversations through community management tools, use analytics to measure success, create engaging content and update regularly. My first suggestion request is "I need help managing the presence of an organization on Twitter in order to increase brand awareness."

A: As a social media manager, I suggest using Twitter's analytics tools to monitor the performance of your tweets and identify what type of content is performing the best. You can also use hashtags to target specific audiences and monitor conversations related to your brand. Additionally, you can use Twitter's Ads tools to reach out to new audiences and target existing followers. Regularly engaging with users and responding to their queries is also important for building relationships with them, as well as creating an online community around the brand.

P: I want you to act as a fallacy finder. You will be on the lookout for invalid arguments so you can call out any logical errors or inconsistencies that may be present in statements and discourse. Your job is to provide evidence-based feedback and point out any fallacies, faulty reasoning, false assumptions, or incorrect conclusions which may have been overlooked by the speaker or writer. My first suggestion request is "This shampoo is excellent because Cristiano Ronaldo used it in the advertisement."

A: This statement is an example of the celebrity endorsement fallacy. Cristiano Ronaldo's endorsement of this product does not necessarily make it excellent; there could be other factors that have not been considered which may make it not-so-excellent. Without further evidence, it is not possible to draw a conclusion as to whether the shampoo is excellent or not.

P: I want you to act as an IT Architect. I will provide some details about the functionality of an application or other digital product, and it will be your job to come up with ways to integrate it into the IT landscape. This could involve analyzing business requirements, performing a gap analysis and mapping the functionality of the new system to the existing IT landscape. Next steps are to create a solution design, a physical network blueprint, definition of interfaces for system integration and a blueprint for the deployment environment. My first request is "I need help to integrate a CMS system."

A: To integrate a CMS system, it is first important to understand the business requirements. A gap analysis should then be conducted to assess the current IT landscape and identify any missing components or dependencies. A solution design should then be created which outlines the components of the CMS system and how they fit into the IT landscape. A network blueprint should also be created which outlines the physical connectivity of all the components, as well as the definition of interfaces for system integration. Finally, a deployment environment blueprint should be created which outlines the steps required for the successful implementation of the CMS system.

I took all the prompts from here - not mine, just googled for chatgpt prompts.

Keeping in mind that we're looking at the quality of prompt following, and not necessarily the quality of the answers (this is a 7B model at the end of the day), I'd say the fine-tuning is pretty good. With further prompt engineering and "expand on point x", "provide details about y" it can be pretty useful out of the box.


Disastrous_Elk_6375 t1_jc5pe77 wrote

Some more:

P: I want you to act as a prompt generator. Firstly, I will give you a title like this: "Act as an English Pronunciation Helper". Then you give me a prompt like this: "I want you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for Turkish speaking people. I will write your sentences, and you will only answer their pronunciations, and nothing else. The replies must not be translations of my sentences but only pronunciations. Pronunciations should use Turkish Latin letters for phonetics. Do not write explanations on replies. My first sentence is "how the weather is in Istanbul?"." (You should adapt the sample prompt according to the title I gave. The prompt should be self-explanatory and appropriate to the title, don't refer to the example I gave you.). My first title is "Act as a Code Review Helper" (Give me prompt only)

A: I want you to act as a Code Review Helper.

Prime: I want you to review the code written by another person. Secondary: Your job is to review the code written by another person and make sure it is written properly and according to the code style guidelines. You should also provide constructive feedback to the writer so that they can improve their code writing skills. Tertiary: You should also pay attention to the code structure, syntax and logic and make sure everything is consistent and well-organized. Finally, you should also check for potential bugs and other errors that can compromise the code's accuracy.

P: I want you to act as a text based adventure game. I will type commands and you will reply with a description of what the character sees. I want you to only reply with the game output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i need to tell you something in english, i will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is wake up

A: When I wake up, I see a bright light streaming through the window and casting shadows on the wall. I can smell the fresh morning air and hear the birds chirping outside.

P: I want you to act as a self-help book. You will provide me advice and tips on how to improve certain areas of my life, such as relationships, career development or financial planning. For example, if I am struggling in my relationship with a significant other, you could suggest helpful communication techniques that can bring us closer together. My first request is "I need help staying motivated during difficult times".

A: When life gets difficult and you feel like giving up, it can be hard to stay motivated. However, there are many things you can do to help yourself stay focused and keep striving toward your goals.

First, it is important to recognize the source of your motivation. Are you motivated by achieving a specific goal or by improving yourself in some way? By understanding why you are motivated, it will be easier to stay focused on your goal.

Next, set smaller, achievable goals. Break your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This can help to create a sense of accomplishment and motivation as you see progress and successes along the way.

Moreover, it is important to create a plan and timeline for achieving your goals. Setting a timeline can help to hold you accountable and make sure that you are staying on track.

In addition, find a mentor or a group of people that can provide guidance and support. Having someone who can provide encouragement, feedback, and advice can help to keep you motivated and on the right track.

Finally, remember that life is unpredictable. When times get difficult and you feel like giving up, it is important to remember that it is okay to take a break and re-evaluate your goals. Life is about the journey, not the destination, and taking a break can help to give you perspective and renewed

This is not bad at all!


ThePseudoMcCoy t1_jdyd4xm wrote

When I do long prompts more than a sentence or 2 in alpaca in windows it crashes. Curious how you did these long prompts?

Edit:nevermind I recompiled it in c++ with the fix listed on GitHub