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JaCraig t1_jcjx7lx wrote

Genuine question: Why are you trying to use a language model to do something that you could write a basic app to calculate?

Like I would have asked it to write an app in JavaScript, Java, C#, etc. Some popular language to calculate four perfect cubes to represent a number. That'd probably get me 90% of the way there then I'm just fixing a couple bugs. That seems like the more intuitive use case to me but I'm also a dev by trade.


Available_Lion_652 t1_jcjxja6 wrote

This is a 5 the grade math Olympiad problem. Sorry for not mentioning it. Good luck if you can resolve it with a basic app to calculate it


JaCraig t1_jckmll4 wrote

My point is more it's the wrong tool for the job. Something designed for calculations like wolfram alpha and their API is probably better suited:

BUT I did ask ChatGPT (so 3.5) to write an app to do it in a couple languages and it gave me a working app first try on each. It's not a very good app as I could optimize it a lot more, but it works. GPT-4 gave a slightly better app in each instance.