Submitted by seraphaplaca2 t3_122fj05 in MachineLearning

In the last few days I had a new thought. I don't know if it is possible or already done somewhere? Is it possible to merge the weights of two transformer models like they do with merging stable diffusion models? Like can I merge for example BioBert and LegalBert and get a model that can do both?



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tdgros t1_jdqbgqy wrote

the model merging offered by some stable diffusion UIs do not merge the weights of a network! They merge the denoising results for a single diffusion step from 2 different denoisers, this is very different!

Merging the weights of two different models does not produce something functional in general, it also can only work for 2 models with exactly the same structure. It certainly does not "mix their functionality".


Co0k1eGal3xy t1_jdqfxcr wrote

  1. Most stable diffusion UIs DO merge weights by averaging them
  2. Averaging weights between checkpoints works really well with CLIP fine-tuning, improving performance over both checkpoints for their respective validation sets.
  3. Git-rebasin found that their method of merging weights works for merging checkpoints with completely different pretraining data + init weights and improves accuracy on a mixed validation set over just using one model or the other.

You're right that merging the model outputs has higher quality than merging the weights, but OP was asking if it was possible and it is very much possible if the weight tensors have the same shape.


tdgros t1_jdqjc8q wrote

there's also weight averaging in eSRGAN that I knew about, but that always irked me. The permutation argument from your third point is the usual reason I evoke on this subject, and the paper does show why it's not as simple as just blending weights! The same reasoning also shows why blending subsequent checkpoints isn't like blending random networks.


_Arsenie_Boca_ t1_jdqy1n8 wrote

Merging model outputs also means you have to run both models. I think the best option is to merge the weights and recover performance using datasets from both domains and distillation from the respective expert model.


Co0k1eGal3xy t1_jdqgwlh wrote

BioBERT base and LegalBERT use the same architecture so using a technique like Git-rebasin would improve performance over using just one or the other model, however if you want to merge the models and get the best of both models, you should retrain on a merged dataset or use model ensembles instead (aka, load and run both models and intelligently pick which model to listen to for which type of data)

You can not (easily) merge BioBERT large since that checkpoint uses a custom vocabulary, but BioBERT base looks perfectly fine.


Jean-Porte t1_jdqfhrf wrote

Model averaging sounds stupid but it actually kind of works, you could try it. But does it make sense ? It not work as well as the individual models


[deleted] t1_jdq3nn5 wrote



tdgros t1_jdqarbq wrote

what's the connection between LoRa and the question about merging weights here?

edit: weird, I saw a notification for an answer from you, but can't see the message...

LoRa is a compression method that replaces weight matrices with low rank approximations for single tasks. It does not merge models or weights


TeH_Venom t1_je21d7u wrote

Not quite cross model architecture, but it's not impossible to merge different fine tunes of a model into one.

I personally have a few scripts for a few strategies such as

I haven't tested diff merging or block merges too much (me and a friend finished adapting SD's block merge to LMs last week) but weighted average merges are a pretty safe way of mixing models.


incrapnito t1_jdqamby wrote

I think you are looking for federated learning which is complete research field on its own. It digs into combining weights of two neural networks such that both tasks can still be accomplished. Existing approaches should apply to transformers too.
