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CormacMccarthy91 t1_jdrsh0g wrote

I have a problem. Bing chat just tried to sell me on Unified Theory of Everything and Quantum Gravity and String theory... I told it those arent based on any evidence and it told me it didnt want to continue the conversation. it wouldnt tell me anything further until i restarted and asked about more specific things... that really scares me, its all monotheistic / consciousness is spiritual not physical stuff its spouting like facts, and when its questioned it just ends the conversation...

i dont know where to talk about it where people wont jump on the spiritual "big bang is just a theory" train. its really unsettling. If i tried do divert it from bringing god into astrophysics it would end the conversation.

its oddly religious.


Matthew2229 t1_jduzxv3 wrote

I don't see it professing anything about monotheism, God, or anything like what you mentioned. You asked it about string theory and it provided a fair, accurate summary. It even points out "string theory also faces many challenges, such as the lack of experimental evidence, ...", and later calls it "a speculative and ambitious scientific endeavor that may or may not turn out to be correct". I think that's totally fair and accurate, no?

Despite it mentioning these things, you claim "That's not true" and that string theory is based on zero evidence and is backed by media. Personally, you sound a hell of a lot more biased and misleading than the bot.


pale2hall t1_jdvaify wrote

Data In -> Data Out

I don't think they're having any religion re-enforced on them, but think of it this way:

You know how mad some super religious extremists get when you even use words that imply gay people are normal, or trans people exist (and aren't just mentally ill),

Imagine if people got as mad every time someone said "oh my god" or "JFC" etc. This imaginary group would be claiming "micro-reglious-agression" all. day. long.

I think that Abrahamic religious are soooo ubiquitous in the training set that the AI is likely to just go with the flow on it.