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Dartagnjan t1_jdzo44q wrote

Is anyone in need of machine learning protégé? I am looking for a doctorate position in the German and English speaking worlds.

My experience is in deep learning, specifically GNNs applied to science problems. I would like to remain in deep learning, broadly but would not mind changing topic to some other application, or to a more theoretical research project.

I am also interested in theoretical questions, e.g. given a well defined problem (e.g. the approximation of the solution of a PDE), what can we say about the "training difficulty", is optimization at all possible (re. Tangent kernel analysis), how architectures help facilitate optimization, and solid mathematical foundations of deep learning theory.

I have a strong mathematical background with knowledge in functional analysis and differential geometry, and also hold a BSc in Physics, adjacent to my main mathematical educational track.

Last week I also started getting into QML with pennylane and find the area also quite interesting.

Please get in touch if you think I could be a good fit for your research group or know an open position that might fit my profile.