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PassionatePossum t1_jd62upb wrote

I don't think you could have more red flags in a job posting if you tried: No technical know-how but a big unspecified vision. No employees. I guess that means no salary either. "Access to high-net worth individuals". So no funding, yet?

Sounds like you have nothing. No funding, no team, no idea whether what you are doing is technically feasible or how much it would cost or what resources you would need. And additionally you want people to sign up for "something" and assume all the financial risk themselves. Does that sound about right? It is basically the meme of the "ideas guy".


Suitable_Goose3637 t1_jd652gm wrote

My thoughts are that we would scale with funding. I’m doing this currently on the side while I do my normal job. The thought I had was if I were to start building the team now, it would be easier to go to investors. Right now it’s just my board of advisors and my co-founder. That’s not enough to move the needle in my opinion. I understand your concern and I thought this would be an issue. That’s why I’m also meeting with a company that already has a team in place to do this. So technically this post is a second option I thought would be interesting to explore. I can see it from your perspective that everyone that comes through here is all talk no action…but sometimes there are exemptions to that rule.