Submitted by itsstylepoint t3_xxkgp2 in MachineLearning

Hi folks,

stylepoint here.

I have released the YouTube series discussing and implementing activation functions.



Some notes about the series:

  • In every video, I discuss the activation function before implementing it.
  • In every video, I compute/derive the derivative/gradient of the activation function.
  • In every video, I provide two implementations for the activation function - manual and using PyTorch's autograd engine.
  • In every video, I use gradcheck to test the implementation.
  • Every video has timestamps, so you can skip parts that are not of interest.
  • There is not a lot of interdependence across the videos, so you can watch some and skip others.

Hope y'all will enjoy these vids!



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Gemabo t1_ircq1tp wrote



mister-guy-dude t1_ircwrn7 wrote

This is great! Thanks for creating it!


itsstylepoint OP t1_ircxamq wrote

Hey thanks for the kind words!
Will be making more AI/ML YouTube series in the future - in fact, working on one as we speak!


_chyld t1_irdmjiv wrote

Excellent, I'll check them out.


awebb78 t1_irdxw4o wrote

Sounds very interesting


Erosis t1_irewcom wrote

Your videos have been great so far! Can't wait for more modeling content.


itsstylepoint OP t1_irft9uh wrote

Thank you!
Yup, that is the plan! Will likely make a few more series (about gradient descent, optimizers, etc.) first. We need these for DL and if someone asks how things work, I could then cite the appropriate video series. After that, will dive into deep learning.


pm_me_your_ensembles t1_irjbb1t wrote

Do you go over numerical stability issues?


itsstylepoint OP t1_irjh4n3 wrote

Yup, all implementations are numerically stable.

Note that I do not discuss numerical stability issues for all activation functions, but for those where the intuitive implementation is not numerically stable (i.e., Sigmoid, Tanh).

I also have a separate video discussing numerical stability: AI/ML Model API Design and Numerical Stability (follow-up). But this is in the context of Gaussian Naive Bayes.


CeFurkan t1_irmeyx2 wrote

how are you able to program in a such fashion that without doing any debugging and you are sure they are working correctly as intended?