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walterlawless t1_is082c7 wrote

What does your tool predict?


Intelligent-Spray-39 t1_is0up2p wrote

Them: can't say

You: why not?

Them: because you might steal my idea

You: but, you are going to try selling your algorithm

Them: yes

You: won't you need to explain what it does?

Them: yes

You: so your afraid of random internet strangers stealing your idea, but you are happy to explain what it does to the people who are actually in the market for it? Presumably people with access to the resources to replicate your model?



likeamanyfacedgod OP t1_is59m1a wrote

Are you on drugs?


Intelligent-Spray-39 t1_is5btvd wrote

Yes. I'm taking SS Bron which is an over the counter codiene based medication for my cold. Codiene is an opiate and is harvested from the sap of the opium poppy (much like heroin). I'm in Japan and constitutes as over the counter medicine is a bit loosey goosey here.

That said, my point remains valid.


likeamanyfacedgod OP t1_is73eq4 wrote

How can your point remain valid when I've been openly telling people what my model predicts? I just like to lead my life outside of the internet between posts and thus can take a while to reply to people ;)


Intelligent-Spray-39 t1_is75dfo wrote

That's not how this is supposed to work. You make a post and then spend the next 48hrs frantically refreshing your phone.

Do you even have self esteem issues?


likeamanyfacedgod OP t1_is9mphl wrote

Why are you in Japan?


Intelligent-Spray-39 t1_is9pppw wrote

I'm a professor. My research is machine learning (linguistics) related, but I teach English.

It's easier to get an English teaching position in Japan than a Linguistics teaching position in Australia.