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ragamufin t1_is0k4o4 wrote

Probably not. You can try to build a company around it, serve it via API, and do MaaS. Look at Kensho as an example. If you’re doing something truly revolutionary you could end up north of 100m.

More likely you should just get a job as a data scientist.

What does your model predict and how good is it?


likeamanyfacedgod OP t1_is5a8en wrote

hey, it predicts traffic jams with a 87% AUC. But that is besides the point, I'm wondering if people actually sell models in the that way.


ragamufin t1_is648yz wrote

Not exactly. Most often you need to stand up a company and do MaaS. So you need sales folks and a website and probably a product guy, some full stack devs to build functional architecture for I/O, selling compute, etc.

You also need to start building your datasets because often clients are going to come to you without the data the model needs.

Another good example that was recently acquired is

These guys built a really good NLP model. Sold it as a tool and an interface for interacting with it (MaaS) Built up a book of business and sold the company to a multinational.

Building a good model is hard, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Next stop is incorporate and start working on your bells and whistles.

My thesis was on fleet management and dynamic traffic assignment so I’m intrigued. Who would you sell this to? Will they have the data the model needs or will you have to help them build the pipelines?

How do they generate revenue with the model?