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ZeroBearing t1_iswm2er wrote

What a scam. Come work 6 months for free! At the end you could possibly maybe be offered a job with an undisclosed salary.

Why would anyone with a degree and evidence of ability want to work for you for free?


TrueEqualFalse t1_iswmwfq wrote

Fucking clowns dude…probably trying to abuse a young professional into cleaning data - luring them in with the possibility of publishing and FTE


mietminderung t1_iswo6uf wrote

> Come work 6 months for free!

I don’t see that on the post. Is this mentioned in the form? It requires a Google sign in and I’m not doing that.

In any case, it’s a poor post because it doesn’t include job location and other details.


Traditional-Poet2746 OP t1_isx0g6k wrote

I am sorry for the confusion, and I forgot to add the salary part; it's a paid internship, and the salary is quite good. In the end, if chosen for full-time, the salary will be competitive for full time matching with glassdoor designation. Let me correct the text.


gunshoes t1_isxfu6r wrote

If you want quality candidates you'll need to be forthcoming in your materials. Provide name of your company, links to your home page, and expected salary. Being vague just provides a sense that this is an exploitive venture.


Traditional-Poet2746 OP t1_isxgfs7 wrote

I understand; I am not an HR; I am a research scientist with quite a busy schedule. Just trying to avoid being spammed, and I'd love to share all details if the candidate is genuinely interested. 😊


gunshoes t1_isxjt2q wrote

That's nice, but you're posting on reddit with a throwaway account, so spam is going to happen. You're also asking for a specialized skillset in a niche area. The candidates you would be looking for already would be turned off by a generalized job posting. So the pool you would attract is somewhat desperate new grads with interests in the field. Hemce this has an exploitive vibe.

If good faith: just name your company so your hiring pool knows you're genuine. It'll make your life easier

If bad faith: just remove post before mods do it.

Disclaimer: I don't do graph networks so am uninterested in posting. I'm just over exploitation in tech.


bBlueBook t1_isyf9dy wrote

I don’t get the hate. Thanks for posting


NightlessBaron t1_isx8gcr wrote

Can you share a few details regarding your research group? Maybe a website or some publications?