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Traditional-Poet2746 OP t1_isxgfs7 wrote

I understand; I am not an HR; I am a research scientist with quite a busy schedule. Just trying to avoid being spammed, and I'd love to share all details if the candidate is genuinely interested. ๐Ÿ˜Š


gunshoes t1_isxjt2q wrote

That's nice, but you're posting on reddit with a throwaway account, so spam is going to happen. You're also asking for a specialized skillset in a niche area. The candidates you would be looking for already would be turned off by a generalized job posting. So the pool you would attract is somewhat desperate new grads with interests in the field. Hemce this has an exploitive vibe.

If good faith: just name your company so your hiring pool knows you're genuine. It'll make your life easier

If bad faith: just remove post before mods do it.

Disclaimer: I don't do graph networks so am uninterested in posting. I'm just over exploitation in tech.


bBlueBook t1_isyf9dy wrote

I donโ€™t get the hate. Thanks for posting