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hostilereplicator t1_iszozfg wrote

In the mean time could you share the review papers here? I'm also trying to catch up on this area!


iori42 t1_it1d1y4 wrote

You can take a look at the leader boards on E.g. for audio classification on the AudioSet dataset:


the_javi_himself OP t1_it1s5tu wrote


Great resource, thanks a lot!


By the way, do you know if we can access a pretrained version of any of these models? I've found many for computer vision but none for audio.


firejak308 t1_it2esjt wrote

If you go on PapersWithCode and click the GitHub icon for any of the papers, it'll link you to their public repo, which in many cases will have pretrained models available.


Mysterious_Tekro t1_itfcalr wrote

I designed synthesisers for about 10 years so I lot about audio analysis And digital signal processing and I spent a few years thinking about the topic you are enquiring about so Have a shitload of technology on that subject but it's worth a lot of money and I'm probably gonna wait until I have enough money to employ 10 developers to do something commercial with it.


BruceSwain12 t1_it01bwa wrote

Did you look only for audio classification papers ? I suspect the time series classification papers could also fit your needs. I can share what I know from recent works if needed.


the_javi_himself OP t1_it01l31 wrote

The task that I'm trying to solve is audio based, so I guess my best bet is to focus the search on models specifically built for that. Do you know any of those?


BruceSwain12 t1_it03jeq wrote

I mean, audio is just the type of data, it is still represented as an ordered series of points. If i remember on the website you got quite a lot of audio datasets.

For models, you could look at libraires like sktime, convst, tslearn.

If you don't care about speed or interpretability, I would suggest looking at HIVE COTE 2. If you need faster training, ROCKET or RDST/RDST ensemble (in convst), or simply a 1-NN with DTW, which can represent a baseline.


Mysterious_Tekro t1_itez6wo wrote

Its not about models its about analysis technology. Ive got the latter.