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sugar_scoot t1_itexham wrote

If your ML is running on a computer, it's digital. If your ML is running on some bare metal capacitors/ inductors circuit board then sure, keep it analog.


blablanonymous t1_itf1o9u wrote

I really hope it’s the latter


vman512 t1_itiy510 wrote

OP must have built their own neuromorphic chip


SSC_08 OP t1_itiyx16 wrote

>I'm looking at creating the machine learning model either on a custom app or using a Raspberry Pi.
>From what I'm understanding, it should be digital if run on the app, and analog if run on Pi. Is this correct?
>So sorry for all the questions, this is still new to me :)


vman512 t1_itj1y28 wrote

Any software that processes audio uses a digital representation of audio. Only when designing circuits would you ever be dealing with analog signals, for example a guitar amp.

You may be confusing analog/digital with the concept of time-domain (waveforms) vs frequency domain (spectrograms).