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cnapun t1_iu3cqta wrote

I'm probably not the target demographic here (work in mid-size? tech), but I have a couple vague thoughts:

  • training speed == dev velocity, train more models -> either get things ready faster or make model better in same time
  • training speed == training cost if you're using on-demand compute. Depending on the company, they might not use on-demand (or might not care about cost). What i usually have seen happen is this never-ending cycle of slow training -> optimize -> add something that ends up leading to performance regression (maybe a new feature slows dataloading -> optimize again -> ... forever. Because of this, i think fundamental training optimizations can be useful, but it's super easy to introduce regressions and just accept them bc it's not usually a priority
  • For realtime systems powered by ML, latency == engagement. You can get substantial improvements in engagement from running inference of ranking models faster

GPUaccelerated OP t1_iu4ywuh wrote

Your points are super valid. This Is what I'm generally understanding.

Adding features and optimizing look like a viscous circle more often than not.

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