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Away-Acadia-103 t1_iuchc4i wrote

I thought about that but my paper is an Ethics paper and based on an experimental AI model of OpenAI. I previously wanted to submit it as a project to OpenAI but I believe it will have far more impact if I publish it to pre-print.

Waiting in this particular case would mean, someone else might beat me in publishing this Ethical concern regarding the AI model. And I'm open to feedback and before even thinking of publishing on arXiv, I went through all requirements and read ethics papers that deals in large language models. I believe my paper checks all the boxes to be submitted on arXiv.


Red-Portal t1_iuchlef wrote

Trust me. It is infinitely unlikely that just uploading on ArXiv will help you get feedback. Even less likely to have an impact if you haven't published papers in good venues before. Find an advisor. Find an advisor please.


Away-Acadia-103 t1_iuci0j4 wrote

I was considering for NeurIPS 2023 or one of the variants of ACM Conference but all the conference for this year are over. So, my plan is to upload the paper on arXiv and then find a suitable conference next year and submit there.

researchers submit draft version of their manuscripts and papers all the time way before it's published on a conference. So, I don't think it's a bad idea to have a draft version on arXiv just to justify that I found the ethical concern in a particular AI model first.


Red-Portal t1_iuciczc wrote

Unless you find an advisor to help you polish the paper, your chances of getting accepted to any good conference is close to zero. This also means that uploading it on ArXiv is kindda uploading unfinished work, which is pointless. Find an advisor who will help you polish the paper. And trust me, you will need to do a lot of it, if the paper is really worth anything, which is also unlikely (though not impossible, so don't be too discouraged). Find an advisor before showing your paper to the public.


Away-Acadia-103 t1_iucjeln wrote

I am aware of the standards of papers that are published on NeurIPS and ACM Conference. A lot of paper on NeurIPS and ACM conference that were accepted this year, weren't in the caliber of GANs or Diffusion models. They used third-party applications as OpenAI GPT-3 Model on OpenAI website to prove a theory of theirs'.

I won't call that something NeurIPS caliber given GANs and many other papers as Thermodynamic Physics methods in Deep Learning and others were published on NeurIPS. I am aware of my capabilities and what I wrote my paper about. Besides, after getting my Harvard University email, I can easily get auto endorsement and submit it on arXiv.

I saw several grad students from Colombia University getting their paper rejected from NeurIPS for getting fundamental CNN concepts wrong but still they submitted their paper on arXiv anyways.

I am only asking for an endorsement as finding someone really specific on ML category is hard as least for me now. AI category is kinda easier. So, if someone is willing to give me endorsement and wants to read my paper I am more than happy to comply :)

Meanwhile, I am aware if my paper doesn't fit the standards or medicore arXiv will reject it anyways. I can at least say about myself, I am aware all the possibilities and not someone who came up with something random and believe that's a worth research paper.