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piyabati t1_iv2hza4 wrote

I imagine at least some ML researchers might be interested in communicating via a decentralized protocol, rather than a centralized website fully under the control of an all-powerful, mercurial, micromanagerial, online bully.


Veneck t1_iv5ryyn wrote

Clearly this seems to be the accepted narrative, but could you provide examples for this so called bullying that affects the ability of researchers in the AI space to communicate their ideas on Twitter?


impossiblefork t1_ivekdav wrote

Personally, I'm rather using Musk's site than one run by Twitter's former management, but I'd prefer decentralization over either.


cyborgsnowflake t1_iv2iq2c wrote

Now thats no way to talk about Parag and all those mods and censors losing their job right now. Show a bit of empathy.
