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ramblinginternetnerd t1_ivgawp3 wrote

The human brain was "pretrained" by around 500 million years of evolution (origin of first vertebrate).


Fear of heights seems somewhat inborn for example.


blimpyway t1_iviwvnt wrote

Now let's figure out how to store such a pretrained model in ~700MBytes of genetic code, without disturbing the other info about how all non-brainy enzymes, organs and tissues, etc.. should be built and assembled together.


[deleted] t1_ivitst9 wrote



uishax t1_ivixeq6 wrote

The stable diffusion model is only 4GB, yet its enough to describe almost anything visually. Its also an extremely size-unoptimized model.

Now the 800MB is mostly spent on other things, but even 8mb, if optimized enough, is plenty to encode a vast amount of visual information into our brains, including a hyper-efficient-accurate human face recognizer, a hatred of bugs/mice/spiders/snakes, a liking of fluffy and shiny stuff, etc.


KPTN25 t1_ivjf6z5 wrote

There is epigenetics, microbiome, and some other stuff as well.