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violentdeli8 t1_ivk090t wrote

This is really cool! I am wondering if I can use this as a “compiler” for Neural Architecture Search. During the search phase one has to sample from a search space of architectures and “compile” them into a valid nn.Module. Usually this code is written per search space. Wondering if that part becomes far less tedious with this.


gahaalt OP t1_ivk3tvj wrote

Yeah! You have a lot of flexibility to do NAS here. You can create a huge graph of layers and sample a smaller path from it to create a Symbolic Model. One non-standard thing you need to do to pull it off is to modify ._children attribute of Symbolic Data when you want to rewire the connections in this graph.

I might add an example for a simple NAS soon.


violentdeli8 t1_ivk53vn wrote

A very simple NAS example using perhaps one of the tabular benchmarks like 201 will be very useful illustration. Thanks!!