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pm_me_your_smth t1_ivyxe6o wrote

> As far as I'm aware those are the only significant outliers in terms of layoffs.

Not really. has a good overview of layoff stats and there are many more companies that are contributing to this wave.


MCPtz t1_ivzd309 wrote

FYI, those include layoffs of any kind, e.g. Hello Fresh layoffs of 611 were all warehouse workers, according to the linked article.

It's hard to get specifics about layoffs for software and ML type jobs.


ZestyData t1_ivzkuet wrote

What? Your own source there shows that the number of companies "contributing to this wave" has been steadily decreasing month-on-month, and November's numbers are looking to be on par with the Summer in terms of number of companies. So yeah.. not a trend in unusual layoff numbers.

And if you omit the outliers of Meta and Twitter, the overall numbers of layoffs from the industry look to be completely on trend, aside from those specific outliers.

The data itself shows that we aren't in that big layoff wave yet.