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Big-Sky1991 t1_iwye6nm wrote

Accept / Weak Accept/ Borderline Accept => Final decision: Reject. Haha.


wxyyyyyy t1_iwzhyic wrote

feel sorry for you. We have accept / weak accept / weak accept and fortunately get accepted…


itouchz_me t1_iwyopc2 wrote

7 6 6 6 -> 1 Accept / 3 Weak Accepts => Rejected 🥲


IMJorose t1_iwxc1zi wrote

Has anyone received anything yet?


No_Potato_1999 t1_iwxhpzc wrote

What is wrong with AAAI? My friend was a reviewer and I heard from him that all the reviewer have submitted their final verdict 2 weeks back.


tariban t1_iwz35y5 wrote

This is pretty normal. They don't just do a majority vote of what the reviewers say. There are several other steps of the review process before a decision is made.


maybelator t1_ix30udx wrote

Most decisions are straightforward. But the borderline cases involves hundreds of meta reviewers, and dozen of senior meta reviewers, hundreds of late and emergency reviewers, all giving their time for free.


yao0510 t1_iwybdj1 wrote

I received the notification email. Got accepted but cmt still shows unavailable.


Workers_Audio t1_iwxcvgs wrote

Very torturous. Do you know when you will be notified?


Equivalent_Mud5901 t1_iwyedmd wrote

My paper was rejected. Today I received the same reviews as the last time and the meta review based on the only reject score which was totally far from the point of the paper. I guess this means there was no discussion between reviewers and the meta just looked at the worst rev

Good job AAAI


Intrepid_Discount_67 t1_iwxvyli wrote

Maybe it is postponed like last year and they cut off a lot of good papers on the last day.


Beneficial-Study-209 t1_iwyicpm wrote

My paper was accepted! Scores: Accept/ Weak Accept/ Weak Accept/ Borderline Accept


No_Potato_1999 t1_iwyj4m6 wrote

My paper got accept! Score: accept, accept, weak accept, weak accept


themoderndayhercules t1_iwypfou wrote

We managed to turn around an Accept / Weak accept / 2*borderline rejects into Accept / 2 * weak accept / borderline accept and get accepted.

Another paper was Accept / Weak accept / 2 * Reject and turned into Accept / 2 * weak accept / Reject and got rejected. Too bad there was really a reviewer with incessant despise/misunderstanding of the paper. But we will find better venues, no worries there.


Equivalent_Mud5901 t1_iwyq0m4 wrote

I received the same reviews with the same scores, what does it mean?


Numeronext t1_iwyydr6 wrote

On a slightly unrelated note, is there a virtual component of AAAI-23 and is it compulsory for authors to present their paper in person?

The Visa waiting times are way too long for my country (more than a year) since the conference is happening in USA and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a VISA on time for the conference


zyl1024 t1_iwzkrje wrote

I'm sure they will allow you to upload a video or even zoom in if your paper is selected as an oral. It happened before the pandemic. But I wouldn't expect too much virtual "conference attendence experience", like virtual poster session on gather town, for this year.


Numeronext t1_iwzl6lp wrote

Thanks! How do you know if your paper is selected as an oral?

Also, if it is selected just as a poster then there is no need to present the paper in the conference?


Brilliant_Track2131 t1_iwzqj22 wrote

In the notification email, it was stated that the authors will be communicated their mode of presentation after December 1 deadline for submission of the camera ready version.


zyl1024 t1_ix06z1t wrote

For poster presentations, most likely no need. But you should check with the conference organizer and will almost definitely need to pay the full registration fee.


[deleted] t1_ix0o109 wrote



itouchz_me t1_ix0tks7 wrote

Do you mean there is an explicit acceptance statement in the meta-review, but the paper status is Reject?


nwaftp23 t1_ix8dr7i wrote

1 Accept / 2 Weak Accepts / 1 Borderline Accept / 1 Borderline Reject => Final decision: Accept

Hang in there everyone, the peer review process seems to have a lot of noise.


Brilliant_Track2131 t1_ixbgz65 wrote

I got an email about uploading the preprint by December 1. However, I don't see any form to upload that yet in CMT. I am wondering if this is peculiar or general.


luorix t1_iwy5ojk wrote

Still no update...quite vexing


lliutianc t1_iwy7an3 wrote

Delayed once again?


BridgelessAlex t1_iwz3vez wrote

8, 7, 6, 4 -> Accept. Non-learning ("real" AI) track