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zombie_ie_ie t1_ixpbnmg wrote

  1. Get your fundamentals (including the math) strong. You can use various sources like YouTube, Codeacademy, Udemy, Coursera etc. I'd really recommend Andrew NG.
  2. Do Kaggle competitions and try to get in the top 100. The higher the better.
  3. Make some cool and interesting projects and post them to your GitHub. Try solving some real-world problems.
  4. Apply for internships. But if you're looking to become a professional data scientist then SQL along with cloud and/or big data is also essential.


>Do I need to learn full-stack to be an ML AI engineer?



>Are ML/AI engineers considered data scientists? are they SWE?

Certainly not SWE. ML/AI/Data Science involve more or less the same things and skills. Many companies use the terms interchangeably but they don't mean exactly the same thing.