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shawarma_bees t1_ixb5xym wrote

I run an open source, medical AI project for digital pathology called Slideflow at the University of Chicago. We’re working on developing reliable biomarkers for patients with lung, breast, and thyroid cancer, and we can always use more help! Got lots of interesting active projects - uncertainty quantification, generative models, embedded systems deployment - send me a DM if it sounds interesting!


renato-umeton t1_ixh5aas wrote

This is amazing! Just stumbled upon Slideflow and I really like it! We run PathML out of Harvard Medical School and Weill Cornell Medicine. Would you be interested to see if there are any points of contact for collaboration? We are purposely heavy on the data engineering side and light on the deep learning sides. I look forward to hearing from you here or in DM.


deadmanwylin t1_ixi750g wrote

Hi there, this seems really interesting. Do you think I'd be able to help volunteer as well? I'm still learning more advanced ML techniques but have a good understanding of key concepts and algorithms.