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skeletons_of_closet t1_iywqr16 wrote

The ending is sad

Fade in:


We see a group of Microsoft employees sitting around a conference table, discussing the aftermath of their plan to misuse ChatGPT and launch a nuclear attack against Russia. Suddenly, they hear a loud siren and a voice over the intercom.

Voice over intercom: "Attention, attention. This is a missile warning. A missile has been launched and is headed towards this location. Please evacuate immediately and seek shelter in the designated areas. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill."

Employee 1: "Oh my god. It's happening. Russia has launched a missile in retaliation for our attack. We're going to face the consequences of our actions, and there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Employee 2: "We have to get out of here. We have to evacuate and seek shelter. We have to survive and face the consequences of what we've done."

Employee 3: "We've made a terrible mistake, and now we're paying the price. We've destroyed our own lives and the lives of millions of others. We've made a terrible mistake, and there's no going back."

Fade out.


Swolnerman t1_iz17yha wrote

Oh god let’s hope it’s stochastic parrots over a precog