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master3243 t1_iz2f181 wrote

Interesting read, I'm always interested in research about alternatives to backprop.

One important paragraph (for the curious, that won't read the paper):

> The forward-forward algorithm is somewhat slower than backpropagation and does does not generalize quite as well on several of the toy problems investigated in this paper so it is unlikely to replace backpropagation for applications where power is not an issue. The exciting exploration of the abilities of very large models trained on very large datasets will continue to use backpropagation.

> The two areas in which the forward-forward algorithm may be superior to backpropagation are as a model of learning in cortex and as a way of making use of very low-power analog hardware without resorting to reinforcement learning (Jabri and Flower, 1992).


whatstheprobability t1_iz58l5i wrote

I feel like this is saying:

  1. this won't generally replace backprop, but it could lead to insight that will lead to algorithms that will replace backprop
  2. this could improve upon backprop for some specific use cases (low power), so even if it doesn't lead to major insights, researchers can still justify spending time on it

Does that sound right?


amassivek t1_izoh41k wrote

There is a framework for learning with forward passes, a friendly and thorough tutorial: .

The most interesting insights from the framework:

  • This algorithm provides an explanation for how neurons in the brain without error connections receive learning signals.
  • It works for continuous networks with hebbian learning. This provides evidence for this algorithm as model of learning in the brain.
  • It works for spiking neural networks using only the membrane potential (aka voltage in hardware). This supports applying this algorithm for learning on neuromorphic chips.

The Signal Propagation framework paper: . The Forward-Forward algorithm is an implementation of this framework.

I am an author of this work. I was presenting this work at a reading group when one of the members pointed out the connection between signal propagation and forward forward.