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Nameless1995 t1_izg72td wrote

Seems like need some work. I searched some titles but didn't get any results (one was from 2019 arxiv). I found a result on but the result only shows the author name with et al. without the title. The review seemed pretty basic -- just a summarization of abstract (I am also a bit confused by your descriptions: are you attempting to implement a literature review where other related papers are suggested and described or a review in the sense of what reviewers in a conference provide?). And even structured abstract didn't structured much at least for this paper. I don't know may be I got unlucky with the specific papers I tried.

Edit: okay I see what you are doing with "review". You are generating "citation sentences" basically. I am not sure how useful it is as a feature because that requies minimal effort to do it in practice though. But some may find it useful.


Cyalas OP t1_izgb4wc wrote

For the results, you need to click on the result to get the structured abstract along with the title. The results showed are just the sentences that might be relevant to your research, classified as objectives, methods or results.

For the structured abstract, did you try other results ?


Nameless1995 t1_izgd34j wrote

I think I was using it in the wrong way by giving specific titles. Using keywords provides a more interesting results. It looks nice but not sure where I would stand with it. For example I tried "attention" (perhaps too broad of a search term), and only a few papers (even Transformers is missing). Should there have been a paging mechanism? Also sorting doesn't seem to be working either (sorting by date didn't change anything).


Cyalas OP t1_izgikyg wrote

As I explain in the medium article, it's mainly Tf Idf that is used. I've used language models but it was a bit slow to process. The code is available if you want to take a peek :) But I'll see what I can do!

Sorting by date would not change anything if the initial results are already sorted.


Nameless1995 t1_izgkbq7 wrote

I don't think it was sorted IIRC but may be I missed something. Also is there a way to sort in both ascending/descending directions?


Cyalas OP t1_izgp27h wrote

I'm afraid there is not. I thought people are generally interested into the most recent papers