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mladendalto t1_j0i98lk wrote

For a single image we have many bottles, the ones that do not sink end up either on cat or dog island, and we decide by counting which island got more bottles. We repeat this for many images and currents change so that bottles end up more often on the right island. Once the currents are set, if we stand in the dog/cat island, walk the beach and observe for a while we can tell from which part of the land the bottle came and what was in it


waffles2go2 t1_j0ie3wt wrote

Ooof, that is pretty bad. Should be relevant to how people live - and not start with abstract concepts like "imagine a sea of numbers" and if that was the only bad thing, I'd say "it's too long".... FWIW


MazzMyMazz t1_j0ijm8e wrote

throws a cat bottle at OP’s head, knocking him out and ending his metaphorical madness


ACH-S t1_j0iu3lx wrote

That kind of semi poetic stuff is really more confusing than useful.

Why not just introduce the concept of a distribution with a few intuitive examples and then say that GANs do the same but for images?


boostwtf t1_j0jn4pl wrote

I think you're asking in the wrong place. Try programmerhumor or similar.
