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Acceptable-Cress-374 t1_j0lj2md wrote

The article is so over the place it could have been unironically written with ChatGPT.


Acceptable-Horror-89 t1_j0lsqy3 wrote

Did this author really just try to compare the “mentally taxing” job of annotating data at minimum wage to the extortion of physical labor and colonialism?



I_Love_Kyiv t1_j0mec3g wrote

Is her only argument that AI relies on third world labor to label training data? She's ignoring that most Big Tech companies already have more than enough of their own customer's data, or can use any of the many standard datasets.


kinsten66 t1_j0mggsp wrote

Humans are nothing but consistent in their exploitation of others. I knew ML systems were human trained, but not to this extent. It never ceases to amaze me how often capitalist companies from 1 country, continously exploit human lives from other countries, and even in extreme outcomes of pain and grievance, tend to get away without any consequences, all in the name of profits and outcomes.


adikhad t1_j0nauz0 wrote

Ewww a vice article


JackIsBackWithCrack t1_j0oeisi wrote

I remember when Vice would go into hostile nations to get footage for a documentary. Now they just do this.