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suflaj t1_j0s87yh wrote

I haven't heard any non-activist researcher have a problem with the new Twitter leadership. Good riddance.


tripple13 t1_j0tiuy3 wrote

Wow, why do people downvote this?

Is it a must every researcher should be an activist?

What if you just want to be left in peace, doing the research you enjoy?


mtocrat t1_j0u7gh2 wrote

probably downvoted by people who don't consider themselves to be activists but have an issue with Musks handling of twitter.


suflaj t1_j0upxwa wrote

And in doing this, everyone who wasn't an activist became one by definition.

The comment I made, especially the way you explained the reactions to it, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So I would hope the sub is just raided by anti-Elon bots, rather than the conclusion being there are more than a handful of hypocritical activist ML researchers.


suflaj t1_j0tp247 wrote

Watch yourself get downvoted with no response just for going against the narrative in a thread :) You're already at least -2.
