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tripple13 t1_j0tim25 wrote

Honestly, and this might be a completely wrong bet here.

Nothing will change, ML Twitter will stay ML Twitter.


andreichiffa t1_j0weop6 wrote

Before ML Twitter there was the ML Facebook, but that fell apart after Bengio’s comments under a LeCun’s post magically disappeared, given they could be seen as a criticism of Facebook’s ML.

Twitter ML lived by the trust into the Twitter moderation team to not do anything like that. Not that the old moderation team is gone and the new one showed itself to happily kick major personalities on a whim, this is not the case.

DAIR and the old Twitter ML are already over on Mastodon, along with some academics arriving there too. LeCun, Sam Altman and Bengio will likely have their isolated instances and a lot of de-federation drama will likely happen, but I am not seeing a neutral middle ground that would fit all of them right now, nor emerging in close future.

Given that Paul Graham is now on Mastodon (he would be the guy to throw into acceleration any startup credibly able to replace Twitter within 5 years), I say that’s where it is going to go down.


tripple13 t1_j0ysjpi wrote

Yeah, maybe. I think people will find there is no better alternative - For now.


Hyper1on t1_j0wr203 wrote

I'm sure that a bunch more people moved today or yesterday, but so far the only perceptible difference in my Twitter feed is that the people with a tendency to stir up Twitter drama have become less visible. There's still plenty of paper announcements/discussion on Twitter right now, so I don't see the need to move.

I also think that federation is a terrible way to run a social network, and that Mastodon is so obviously a poor replacement for Twitter that people will eventually realise this and go back. There is just no good Twitter alternative in existence right now.


csreid t1_j109ic5 wrote

>I also think that federation is a terrible way to run a social network

How come? I was a little put off by the federated nature, but it doesn't actually get in your way once you're in. I expected it to be more siloed but it's not. Discoverability actually seems better than twitter bc people sort themselves into nice buckets. It's a little like if "ML twitter" was an actual thing rather than just a collection of accounts.

I am also into the idea of opting in to mod/admin policies that suit me, and I've become pretty skeptical of centralizing after this whole fiasco


tripple13 t1_j0ys5fk wrote

Yup, agree completely with your second point. The user experience, state and design of Mastodon is substantially less appealing.

On the drama matters, I personally do not care much for this, trying to avoid it like the plague.