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Zealousideal_Low1287 t1_j0zuq39 wrote

I have no idea what you’re suggesting. Use C++ instead of vectorising properly and using PyTorch? Do you currently do much compute ‘outside’ PyTorch?


vprokopev OP t1_j0zy68v wrote

Mostly use vectorized pytorch operations.

Sometimes use just native loops and indexing.

Yes, unfortunately there are specific data preprocessing cases where I have to do stuff outside of pytorch, it's just more convenient.

And even when mostly using pytorch I still want the freedom to just use native functionality of a language without a huge hit to a performance.

But I know pytorch vectorized ops will still be faster and are suitable for majority of tasks


Zealousideal_Low1287 t1_j0zycf1 wrote

And you feel if you wrote raw C++ it would be as fast as the PyTorch ops, or you seek to replace the Python part, or something else?


vprokopev OP t1_j0zzfpg wrote

Just seek to replace a python part with something that is slower (obviously) but not like way slower then Pytorch vectorized ops.

And to have freedom to use more native structures and a bit less thinking about how to vectorize every algorithm possible