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ktpr t1_j19lwj0 wrote

Should the Reddit ban medium links?


Craksy t1_j1alea2 wrote

I think that's something mods should handle on a post-to-post basis. Scrolling through the comments here for instance, people don't seem to mind. If the community is interacting with the content and it can bring people together and spark interesting discussion, then it's a positive contribution in my book.

If it should get out of hand and the sub starts getting flooded with low effort content and self promos, then it might make sense to ban it or restrict it to "medium Mondays" or w/e. It's definitely something to watch out for. Lots of tech related subs just turn into link dumps that people use to promote their blogs.

Anyway I don't think we're anywhere near that point though. I find content here is generally pretty high quality. I don't know if it's due to the community or good moderation.

I just personally dislike Medium. The content is generally low effort, and it bothers me that lately, the first 2 pages of search engine results are mostly behind a pay wall.