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AllowFreeSpeech t1_j19jvmd wrote

In the repo, why are the code comments not consistently in English, e.g. in this file?

With taichi, is the backprop being done manually or automatically?


houkensjtu t1_j1bl0my wrote

Everything related to CNN including the backprop was done manually. And we do have plan to update the documentation - sorry for the non-english code comments!


zadesawa t1_j1adug0 wrote

Maybe it’s supposed to be consistently in Chinese but because a lot of technical terms are borrowed from English it looks only sporadically Chinese?


thiru_2718 t1_j1c64vy wrote

Isn't it obvious? The code seems to be by a chinese hackathon team, why would you expect them to comment everything in English?


AllowFreeSpeech t1_j1dp8av wrote

Isn't it obvious? I expect what is shared on this subreddit to always consistently be in English. If you want to use other languages, don't post that shit here. This is not the place for it.


thiru_2718 t1_j1eme3a wrote

And with that one comment, you've confirmed that you're exactly as ignorant as I suspected you'd be. Thanks "AllowFreeSpeech", hope you enjoy your life policing the subreddit against the use of other languages in code


AllowFreeSpeech t1_j1et95s wrote

Free speech doesn't mean you can post nonsense or garbage or foreign-language materials. Free speech does still require you to be on-topic and stick to the language in use while in a public forum. Free speech means the freedom to post reasoned disagreeable opinions, but only those that are on-topic and are in the established language of the forum.

Use your head. If I go to a Chinese forum, and start posting in Japanese, how welcome would I be there...