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IWantAGrapeInMyMouth t1_j1b13kx wrote

It really does but there’s a point in time where OpenAI is going to want to cash in. Virtually all of their outputs could benefit from utilizing reinforcement learning to improve after the initial training, but we’ve seen how GPT3 and DallE-2 ultimately chose to be shipped as a sort of finished product that gets updates like any shipped app might, with costs attached. I don’t see why ChatGPT will be any different after x amount of time, unless Stable Diffusion is really eating their Dall-E 2 profitability and they need to find new ways of monetization that doesn’t charge the user utilizing ChatGPT


sanman t1_j1bacsy wrote

Well, remember when Youtube was totally free without any ads whatsoever? And of course we all wondered how they were going to continue offering their service for free. Then one day the ads crept in, and we knew.

I'm thinking OpenAI hasn't made this thing free just for generosity. They're using us as free beta-testers to shake down the product for them, so that they can iron out the kinks and bugs. Once that process has run its course, they'll just cut off our access and only allow paying customers to use it.


jrkirby t1_j1bnhkx wrote

Why do you think they'll make us pay, when they could instead the treasure trove of personal information to sell to advertisers and train the AI to subliminally (or explicitly) advertise to us?


sanman t1_j1bqgvb wrote

I wonder if there'll be a new budding industry for SEO with GPT, just like there is for SEO with Google search? I'm not sure how that would work though, since it might be harder to integrate spam/ads into GPT responses.


KimmiG1 t1_j1bf7bb wrote

I'm curious if they keep a free version that sneeks inn adds as natural conversations where it fits.


slashtom t1_j1bf92g wrote

Well, they're also getting feedback and the model is only being improved by human interaction. I'd bet they still keep a free tier in order to get access to a broader pool and charge companies/people a subscription fee if they want unlimited access or something.


lucidrage t1_j1c5jxp wrote

Imagine if chatgpt was ad supported... You just invented a new business model!