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kamalilooo t1_j1ce0ss wrote

I think this is the most sensible take I've heard on the future of written content but how feasible do you think it is in terms of computation? Sounds like youd need a whole new artificial intelligence just for ads to pull it off, and then somehow integrate it with the LLM.

Sorry if its stupid I know nothing about AI. I'm a content writer with existential dread and severe whiplash from all this hype.

Ultimately, we need a system to incentivise human writers otherwise I dont see LLMs scaling


_underlines_ OP t1_j1cgmie wrote

no need to integrate the ads into the LLM. Just integrate it into the UI that users use to converse with the AI. Between Answers you can either inject ads, or you can alter answers to contain certain brands.

Very unethical, and that's why I hope this becomes detached from big corps like OpenAI that do this behind a locked down API...


kamalilooo t1_j1ckyk7 wrote

So OpenAi gets all the revenue from online advertising, and ends up removing the incentive to publish new content, limiting the usefulness of the LLM because it will be 'stuck in time' in a sense.( Not sure if this is a fair assessment )

Do you think the influx of data they get from our interactions with Chatgpt can make up for the existence of human writers updating google ( and the web) with new data/information as it emerges in real life?

How will ai add anything to the conversation if its stuck in time?