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gettheflyoffmycock t1_j1chv31 wrote

Yeah, funny how many people have been advertising on all the machine learning subreddits their new chat GPT application. Which is funny because Chat GPT doesn’t have a single API yet.

Kinda funny, AI is ending up like drop shipping. the art of advertising shitty AliExpress products as if they’re actually a better product, and then up charge people like 500 or 1000%, then you just order the AliExpress product and have it mailed to their house. It’s like people are doing that with AI now. Just say it’s this or that and then put a super lightweight model like OpenAI Davinci on a free AWS instance and call it chat GPT. Business models built on “If da Vinci charges you four cents per API credit just charge the user eight Cents “ what will they know?