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Complete-Maximum-633 t1_j2ab7zy wrote

Anything with “video” is going to be costly.


WobblySilicon OP t1_j2d1n2x wrote

question is how much cost? can it be done with one GPU or do i need a swarm of those?


Complete-Maximum-633 t1_j2drquz wrote

Impossible to answer without more context.


WobblySilicon OP t1_j2ffcey wrote

Sure! Sir!

In the months to come i would be working on the problem of text to video. After literature review i got the idea that it might be compute extensive, like a cluster of GPUs required to train the models. So I asked that if it could be done with a mediocre GPU such as a 3080. I haven't really thought about the models i would use or general architecture of the model. Just wanted an answer, because i dont wish to take up this topic then get stuck due to compute issues.