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JobPsychological5509 t1_j46h1lm wrote


I need to build a prediction model using a classification model and pattern recognition model cascaded.

Classification model will have two classes 0 and 1. This model will give a series of 0s and 1s, which will then be fed to pattern recognition model. Please, Let me know if this sounds feasible.


I-am_Sleepy t1_j49d3mv wrote

FYI, using output from first stage model is called model stacking

Are you trying to model time series classification (many-to-one)? I don't know if making it a 2 stage model is appropriate i.e. using 0 and 1 as an intermediate representation

The hierarchical classification error will propagate through multiple stage if using raw prediction from previous stage alone. For example, if first stage model is 0.9 in accuracy, and second stage is also 0.9. The maximal accuracy two stage model will be 0.9*0.9 = 0.81 (performance degrade)


JobPsychological5509 t1_j4hjk93 wrote

Thanks. Time series classification is what I was looking for.

Thanks for letting me know about model stacking, I have never done it but will try and see which fits the best.
