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NamerNotLiteral t1_j2pwcve wrote

As someone who's 25 in a month and applying to MS programs (and not expecting to get in, not for Fall 23), I expect I'll be 27 or 28 by time I start a PhD.

This's been a huge source of insecurity for me, especially considering so many people I see and interact with in the field are younger than me and yet already 1-2 years ahead of me in the same trajectory.

Empirically, late 20s is still young, but it never feels like that when you're the one in your 20s.


DEADLYVENOMABUSER t1_j2qh212 wrote

Im 26 and starting my bachelor thesis in 2 weeks. Its all good, nothing positive will come out of worrying about it since you cant change where you at anyway. Try to be happy for the experiences you’ve had and make the best of your current position. We’re not even 30. Bless