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PredictorX1 t1_j6nb8vs wrote

>This medium article is ...

Let me stop you right there.


akrasia_here_I_come t1_j6nmd3k wrote

But this is exactly the kind of content that gets neglected in academia because of the assumption that everyone reading them already knows the field very well. Lit reviews are wonderful when you can find them, but there's not a lot of incentive to publish those.

If there's a peer-reviewed article out there that covers this info, then by all means please share it! (And in that case, it may be justified to critique someone for sharing the non-peer-reviewed equivalent). But if there's not, it seems pointlessly exclusionary gatekeep the sharing of illuminating content just because it's from outside academia proper.


EduCGM OP t1_j6nrow0 wrote

Anyway, the purpose of this work was just talking about a topic that is popular being at the same time readable by a broad audience, and was done by an undergraduate student. There is no peer reviewed article yet, hopefully soon and I will be delighted to share it here as well.