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rantana t1_j32bo5x wrote

128GB HBM would fit some serious models on a single device. But I have yet to see any real progress from AMD (something that I can buy) that would make me consider changing workflow away from nvidia hardware.


AlmightySnoo t1_j32iljg wrote

PyTorch 2.0 moving away from directly depending on CUDA and using instead Triton is good news for AMD. In the Triton Github repo they say that AMD GPU support is under development. AMD needs to invest some resources to help there.


Nhabls t1_j32q6zp wrote

The "monopoly" is from the ecosystem mostly, not the hardware itself. Practicioners and researchers have a much better time using consumer/entry level professional nvidia hardware. So they use nvidia.

Mind you that in the supercomputer level there is no real "monopoly" as those people just develop their solutions from the ground up.


Nhabls t1_j32qdjm wrote

AMD solutions have been in "development" for as long as i've been in contact with the space. The approaches rise and fall but never deliver fully. Maybe it'll be different in the future, who knows


AlmightySnoo t1_j32s8ve wrote

Also this. $AMD still makes it explicit that they officially support Rocm only on CDNA GPUs, and even then it's only under Linux. That's an immediate turn off for lots of beginner GPGPU programmers who'll immediately flock to CUDA as it works with any not too old gaming GPU from Nvidia. It's astonishing how Lisa Su still hasn't realized the gravity of this blunder.


geeky_username t1_j331xz0 wrote

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Especially on the software side, AMD has a habit of releasing something and then not doing much for continued support, expecting the community to foot the labor


ReginaldIII t1_j33ff9r wrote

Except there is an ecosystem monopoly at the cluster level too because some of the most established, scalable, and reliable software (like those used in fields like bio-informatics as an example) only provide CUDA implementations of key algorithms and being able to accurately reproduce results computed by them is vital.

This essentially limits those software to only running on large CUDA clusters. You can't reproduce the results without the scale of a cluster.

Consider software for processing Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Ptychography data. Very very few people are actually "developing" those software packages, but thousands of researchers around the world are using them at scale to process their micrographs. Those microscopists are not programmers, or really even cluster experts, and they just don't have the skillsets to develop on these code bases. They just need it work reliably and reproducibly.

I've been working in HPC on a range of large scale clusters for a long time. There has been a massive and dramatic demographic shift in terms of the skillsets that our cluster users have. A decade ago you wouldn't dream of letting someone not a HPC expert anywhere near your cluster. If a team of non-HPC people needed HPC you'd hire HPC experts into your team to handle that for you and tune the workloads onto the cluster and develop the code to make it work best. Now we have an environment where non-HPC people can pay for access and run their workloads directly because they leverage these pre-tinned software packages.


hateboresme t1_j33meqx wrote

It will not be long until we see these chips designed by ai specifically designed to design chips for the purpose of designing super efficient chips for designing chips. This is it...the chips designing the chips to design the chips. Singularity here we come.


zeyus t1_j33nspg wrote

Absolutely agree, it's been a while since I've had AMD hardware, but I'd consider it again (especially CPU)...I just haven't been aware of specific issues with software either, I mean Intel, AMD and Nvidia all have had bugfixes and patching with drivers and firmware. Is there something I've missed about AMD and software?

BTW, I haven't had enough disposable income to upgrade so I've been stuck on 4590K for about 6 years and I hate my motherboard software (that's Asus bloatware) and had so much trouble getting the NVMe to work and RAID...but once I did it's been OK, and the 1070 I have is getting a bit to small for working with ML/AI, but what can you still runs most newish games too.


memberjan6 t1_j34r3wo wrote

Cerebus is possibly ending NVIDIA and AMd. Those two are tied to an older design which was good for a while, but has run its course and is now on decline.


HippoLover85 t1_j35en7z wrote

Previously amd didnt have the budget for it. They do now and have really only had it the last two-ish years.

Will they now put resources towards it? I hope so. But it also appears amd is trying to get products in mega dc/supercomputer applications and spreading use that way.


scraper01 t1_j35qkv9 wrote

Nope. I develop free time for AMD chipsets. Inferior performance than Nvidia all over the place, and the support sucks ass. Prepare to fix the 'supported' libraries yourself.


zeyus t1_j363mxu wrote

Well that is a genuine shame, nvidia really needs some competition in this space. I'm sure plenty of researchers and enthusiasts would happily use some different hardware (as long as porting was easy) I've written some CUDA C++ and it's not bad. Manufacturer-specific code always feels a bit gross, but the GPU agent based modeling framework I was using was strictly CUDA.


zepmck t1_j364mra wrote

AMD should seriously invest in developing a credible software stack rather hyping new chips.


b3081a t1_j375hbo wrote

They've added official support for Navi21 under Linux some time ago. It's still very small number of supported devices comparing to NVIDIA but at least it's no longer required to purchase CDNA accelerators to get started.


limb3h t1_j5lyue0 wrote

How many APUs can be connected together via IF? Hopefully they can do 8-16 to challenge DGX.


limb3h t1_j5lzdx6 wrote

Cerebras is pretty well suited for large language models like GPT3. Their latest generation product can be clustered easily to train huge models. I wouldn't say they're ending AMD and NVDA though, but in order for huge language models to be democratized, some disruptive technologies have to happen. No one other than whales today can afford to train GPT3.


limb3h t1_j5m01yl wrote

They're trying pretty hard, but Nvidia has spent thousands of man years on this stuff and built ecosystem and community around it. It's not easy. Plus it's hard for AMD to hire the best software folks.