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soraki_soladead t1_j375igy wrote

Regulating machine learning sounds ridiculous but note that cryptography is regulated and also consists of just math and programming. For example, if you publish an app on the app store with cryptography you need to comply with export regulations:

Now, that’s for exports and publishing. Regulating personal use is much more difficult but it’s still possible: perhaps requiring a photo ID to download certain libraries or requisition GPUs/TPUs.

Personally, I think it’s unlikely to happen and the benefits of doing so are minimal.


PredictorX1 t1_j37nzay wrote

>cryptography is regulated

In practice, this mainly applies to commercial offerings. If a competent programmer wanted to implement strong encryption, all they would need is the right book.


EmbarrassedHelp t1_j37q6cs wrote

In practice though cryptography regulations in the US simply require notifying the government agency of the release. That's all there is, so its not really regulation of what you can and cannot do with it.