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PredictorX1 t1_j3cacld wrote

>Which is why it's important to not give access to dangerous things into hands of those who could misuse it with catastrophic consequences.

What does "give access" mean, in this context? Information on construction of learning systems is widely available. Also, who decides which people "could misuse it"? You?


Baturinsky OP t1_j3chu4b wrote

Mostly, giving a source of trained models, and denying the possibility of making the new ones. I see unrestricted use of the big scale general-purpose models as a biggest threat, as they are effectivel "encyclopedias of everything", and can be used for very diverse and unpredictable things.

Who decides is also a very interesting question. Ideally, public consensus, but realisitcally, those who have the capabilities to enforce those limitations.