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GFrings t1_j3cc42r wrote

I'm sort of confused as to what this buys me as a developer. Sure, I can run the model with one click maybe. But that doesn't seem to get me any closer to my typical goal which is to have a module that I can drop right into my code base and use the model to solve one sub problem of a much larger system. I can see using this as sort of a fast way to demo a model maybe, but most repos are clean enough that it takes maybe 30 minutes to reproduce the environment and run the author model myself.

There are already a lot of open source tools that solve the other problem, by the way. One is pytorch-liberator which can extract all the code and dependencies from a module and package in a nice portable format for integration elsewhere.

As a general tip to you and your sales team, when you go to market with something like this you should have some value propositions lined up already instead of asking us whether we think it's valuable. Most folks will tend to assume not unless you can help them see what makes this useful.